Louisville No-Zone Truck Accident Lawyers
Every automobile has blind spots in which drivers cannot see approaching vehicles. These blind spots are typically in rear and on each side of the vehicle. Like cars, trucks, and SUVs, 18-wheelers also have blind spots. These spots make up the “no-zone” area where rearview and side mirrors do not provide complete coverage. These no zone areas make it difficult for drivers to see other vehicles and they may change lanes, brake, or take other actions without being aware of the presence of another automobile in the immediate vicinity.
Even with the no-zones, truck drivers are responsible for operating his or her vehicle safely while on the road. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by a truck driver’s failure to observe appropriate precautions, you may be eligible for financial compensation. To speak with a qualified attorney, contact the Louisville personal injury lawyers of Sampson Law Firm at 502-584-5050.
18 Wheeler No-Zones
If commercial truck drivers fail to consider his or her no-zone areas, they are putting other lives at risk. Some of the most common no-zones on an 18-wheeler are:
- A large area behind the truck
- Small area on each side of the truck, just behind the driver or passenger seat
- Small section in front of truck, especially if a smaller vehicle is passing
It is generally advisable to avoid lingering in these areas for too long if traffic allows for you to maneuver around the truck or to maintain a safer following distance, but there are occasions when you simply may not have such freedom. The medical expenses and vehicle repairs necessitated by a no-zone accident can be extensive, and you should not have to bear them alone.
Contact Us
To fight for the financial compensation you need if you have been the victim of a truck driver’s negligence, contact the Louisville no-zone truck accident lawyers of Sampson Law Firm at 502-584-5050 today.